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Virgo zodiacal constellations horoscopes

Virgo zodiacal constellations horoscopes

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Virgo is the only female constellation of the zodiac and was seen as a deity for many centuries by many cultures. She was seen by the Romans as Astraea the goddess of justice, by the Babylonians as the fertility goddess of Ishtar, and by the Greeks as Demeter, goddess of the harvest. Virgo is pictured in drawings holding an ear of wheat, or carrying a scale (the adjoining constellation of Libra).

Virgo is the second largest constellation and is highest in the northern hemisphere during May and June. The brightest star in Virgo is Spica - a bright white star of the first magnitude and is 220 light years away from us. It is 2 000 times more luminous than the Sun!

In Virgo and the constellation of Coma Berenices there are more than 13 000 galaxies to be seen, known as the Virgo Cluster or Coma-Virgo cluster. It contains many Messier objects and some of these galaxies is a sight to behold through telescopes, especially telescopes like the 13 inch refractor at Boyden.

Virgo, though unassuming, kind and shy, is one of the strongest signs in the Zodiac. This is intelligent earthiness - discerning practicality - a strong yet gentle kindness and nurturing born of sheer common sense. Your Virgo strives to be a model of perfection. She loves to please you! He is driven to impress you with his talent for making the most out of the best!
Mercury's other child, Gemini, is a much more lighthearted, air-born spirit. While Gemini is busy gathering so much knowledge, Virgo insists on action and wants to know what will be done with the information at hand. The question is always - "of what practical use is this?" A master at taking things apart and analyzing them - Virgo always finds room for improvement.

So how can you possibly impress one who sees and knows so much? How can you hide your imperfections? What will you do when YOU are the object of her keen observation? You must be a strong spirit to be with Virgo - both hard working and emotionally tough. You will be happiest with your Virgo if you are one who appreciates purity, discernment and a logical mind; and spurns the superfluous.
Feed your Virgo with uncluttered surroundings, a practical, frugal budget and pure, beautiful speech. Make healthful foods a priority. Take the trash out often. Iron your clothes. Ask your Virgo for help - Virgo lives to serve! Remind your Virgo how much you appreciate his careful choices. Tell her how impressed you are with her impeccable taste and well thought out advice. Make her a part of your life-improvement team!
You will be rewarded with an eternal help-mate, and a devoted, down-to-earth, sensual, soft-hearted, compassionate lover.
