Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented during Renaissance

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446 illustrations

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All "ancient" egyptian horoscopes and mummies are mediaeval fakes?

Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented and crafted during Renaissance. Discover the Old Testament as a veiled rendition of events of Middle Ages written centuries after the New Testament. Perceive the Crusaders as contemporaries of The Crucifixion punishing the tormentors of the Messiah. What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD?

Sounds unbelievable? Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko, leading mathematician of our time. He follows in steps of Sir Isaac Newton, finds clear evidence of falsification of History by clergy and humanists. Armed with computers, astronomy and statistics he proves the history of humankind to be both dramatically different and drastically shorter than generally presumed.

Astrology is certainly one of the most ancient philosophies still in existence in China. Some estimate it to be more than 3,000 years old but recent study of more esoteric beliefs place it further back into the clouded past of human history. In ancient China, and up until today Astrology has been used to predict what happens to countries, the outcome of wars, economic trends and much more.
Chinese Astrology is organized according to 12 Animals Signs. One Chinese legend attributes the creation of the animal signs to the semi-mythical Yellow Emperor in 2637 B.C. According to another legend, the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from Earth. Only 12 animals came to bid him farewell. As a reward he named a year after each other one in the order that they arrived. First came the Rat, then the Ox, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Thus we have 12 signs today.

The Complete Book of Chinese Horoscopes

This book contains all the pertinent information on basic Chinese Astrology. Easy to read and reference, and perfect even for the busy executive. I have given this book as gifts to the most unlikely people - busy, male, no-nonsense executive types who have loved it...

The Secret Language of Birthdays: Personology Profiles for Each Day of the Year

Sure, it's neat to know which famous people have the same birthday you do, but wouldn't it be fascinating to know what else you have in common with these celebrities? The Secret Language of Birthdays will show you this and much more. Through "personology" (a combination of characteristics influenced by sun sign, season, and day of the year) and an analysis of several thousand character profiles, authors Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elfers have pinned down the traits most common to people born on the same day. Rather than taking a strictly astrological approach--how the planets, sun, and stars affect a person's behavior--the authors compare the commonalties of people who share birthdays, and piece together a personality for each day of the year, effectively slicing through geographical and cultural differences, while avoiding the one-size-fits-all trap of newspaper sun-sign horoscopes. Some readers may find the authors' strict use of the Gregorian calendar limiting, but conversion to other time-keeping systems is fairly simple (the authors make note of this problem and contend that a day is a day, whether someone names it October 21 or 1 Rajab). Goldschneider and Elfers focus on a model of the year as a wheel spinning in a recurring circle of patterns, an idea that reaches back far beyond the linear calendars we use today. Each birthday discussed includes important numbers, tarot cards, and a dose of psychology, so while you learn a little about the other people with your birthday, you may even discover something new about yourself.
