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Giacomo Puccini


All "ancient" egyptian horoscopes and mummies are mediaeval fakes?

Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented and crafted during Renaissance. Discover the Old Testament as a veiled rendition of events of Middle Ages written centuries after the New Testament. Perceive the Crusaders as contemporaries of The Crucifixion punishing the tormentors of the Messiah. What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD?

Sounds unbelievable? Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko, leading mathematician of our time. He follows in steps of Sir Isaac Newton, finds clear evidence of falsification of History by clergy and humanists. Armed with computers, astronomy and statistics he proves the history of humankind to be both dramatically different and drastically shorter than generally presumed.

Christmas Eve in Paris, talents are hungry and cold. Brrr! One of them lands a job, brings fuel, food and funds! Off to McDonalds to celebrate! Poet Rodolfo meets Mimi, they fall in big love, inevitably Mimi dies of love and/or cold before the spring comes!

  • Early Italian Opera

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  • Verismo and Puccini
  • Cosi fan tutte

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  • Cenerentola
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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  • Giacomo Puccini

  •    View opera LA BOHEME

    Jose Carreras and Teresa Stratas
    in Franco Zeffirelli's stage production

    Che gelida manina (Rodolfo)
    Duetto Mimi, Rodolfo



    Puccini's most expressive opera draws from a collection of true-life sketches describing life among the original bohemians, the poor artists of Paris's Latin Quarter. Hungry but cheerful, the poet Rodolfo shares a garret with the painter Marcello and two others. One moonlit Christmas Eve, the frail seamstress Mimi comes to Rodolfo's door for help, and the two fall passionately in love, while Marcello carries on a turbulent affair with flirtatious Musetta. But Rodolfo is impossibly jealous of Mimi, and the two regretfully part, until Musetta reveals that Mimi is dying of consumption. Rodolfo flies to Mimi's side, and the lovers are united, only to be separated forever by Mimi's death.

    ..This little hand is frozen,
    let me warm it here in mine.
    What's the use in searching?
    It's far too dark to find it.
    But by our good fortune,
    it's a night lit by the moon,
    and up here the moon
    is our closest of neighbours.

    One moment, mademoiselle,
    let me tell you in just two words,
    who I am, what I do,
    and how I live. Shall I?

    Who am I?
    I am a poet.
    What do I do here? I Write.
    And how do I live? I live
    in my contented poverty,
    as if a grand lord, I squander
    odes and hymns of love.
    In my dreams and reveries,
    I build castles in the air,
    where in spirit I am a millionaire.
    Yet sometimes from my safe,
    all my gems are stolen
    by two thieves, a pair of lovely eyes!
    They entered with you just now!
    Now all past dreams have disappeared.
    Beautiful dreams I'd cherished,
    immediately vanished without a trace!
    But the theft does not wound me deeply,
    because, in their room they have
    been replaced by sweet hope!
    Now you know all about me.
    Will you tell me who you are?
    Will you say? Please do tell!


    Paris, Christmas Eve, c. 1830.

    In their Latin Quarter garret, the painter Marcello and poet Rodolfo try to keep warm by burning pages from Rodolfo's latest drama. They are joined by their comrades - Colline, a young philosopher, and Schaunard, a musician who has landed a job and brings food, fuel and funds. But while they celebrate their unexpected fortune, the landlord, Benoit, arrives to collect the rent. Plying the older man with wine, they urge him to tell of his flirtations, then throw him out in mock indignation. As the friends depart for a celebration at the nearby Café Momus, Rodolfo promises to join them soon, staying behind to finish writing an article.

    There is another knock: a neighbor, Mimě, says her candle has gone out on the drafty stairs. Offering her wine when she feels faint, Rodolfo relights her candle and helps her to the door. Mimě realizes she has dropped her key, and as the two search for it, both candles are blown out. In the moonlight the poet takes the girl's shivering hand, telling her his dreams. She then recounts her solitary life, embroidering flowers and waiting for spring. Drawn to each other, Mimě and Rodolfo leave for the café.

    Go to opera Amid shouts of street hawkers, Rodolfo buys Mimě a bonnet near the Café Momus before introducing her to his friends. They all sit down and order supper. A toy vendor, Parpignol, passes by, besieged by children. Marcello's former lover, Musetta, enters ostentatiously on the arm of the elderly, wealthy Alcindoro. Trying to regain the painter's attention, she sings a waltz about her popularity. Complaining that her shoe pinches, Musetta sends Alcindoro to fetch a new pair, then falls into Marcello's arms. Joining a group of marching soldiers, the Bohemians leave Alcindoro to face the bill when he returns.

    At dawn on the snowy outskirts of Paris.

    A Customs Officer admits farm women to the city. Musetta and revelers are heard inside a tavern. Soon Mimě walks by, searching for the place where the reunited Marcello and Musetta now live. When the painter emerges, she pours out her distress over Rodolfo's incessant jealousy. It is best they part, she says. Rodolfo, who has been asleep in the tavern, is heard, and Mimě hides; Marcello thinks she has left. The poet tells Marcello he wants to separate from his fickle sweetheart. Pressed further, he breaks down, saying Mimě is dying; her ill health can only worsen in the poverty they share. Overcome, Mimě stumbles forward to bid her lover farewell as Marcello runs back into the tavern to investigate Musetta's raucous laughter. While Mimě and Rodolfo recall their happiness, Musetta quarrels with Marcello. The painter and his mistress part in fury, but Mimě and Rodolfo decide to stay together until spring. Some months later.

    Best opera books Rodolfo and Marcello lament their loneliness in the garret. Colline and Schaunard bring a meager meal. The four stage a dance, which turns into a mock fight. The merrymaking is ended when Musetta bursts in, saying Mimě is downstairs, too weak to climb up. As Rodolfo runs to her, Musetta tells how Mimě has begged to be taken to her lover to die. While Mimě is made comfortable, Marcello goes with Musetta to sell her earrings for medicine, and Colline leaves to pawn his cherished overcoat. Alone, Mimě and Rodolfo recall their first days together, but she is seized with coughing. When the others return, Musetta gives Mimě a muff to warm her hands and prays for her life. Mimě dies quietly, and when Schaunard discovers she is dead, Rodolfo runs to her side, calling her name.
