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Lose weight, gain beauty and self-esteem!

The guilt-free way to lose weight! Join the millions of people who have lost weight safely and effectively with Get Skinny on Fabulous Food and start celebrating good health and good times with Suzanne's delectable, simple, and balanced Somersized meals!

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"This is a fabulous program... I recommend this series of Suzanne's books very highly. I'm a sweets eater also, but I've found the 'level one' desserts she speaks of and provides recipes for, i.e., her cheesecake... to be out of this world, for a dieter!..."

Shape your body into a GREEK GOD beauty!

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"Read it from cover to cover and try some of her recipes. Most all are quick and easy... and above all DELICIOUS! Enjoy this and loose those pounds and that fat around your middle, and the 'tummy pooch' that NO amount of dieting, or 'low fat' processed foods, or exercise will get rid of. It just isn't gonna happen for middle aged and/or menopausal women, who continue eating the way they've been programed to. Try this. You won't be disappointed. The rave reviews and success stories are valid. Dieting is most always never easy, but this one is!!! Enjoy!!!"

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Find out how hundreds of thousands of people all across the country have melted the pounds away without dieting, without deprivation -- the Somersize way!

In her new book, Suzanne Somers' Eat, Cheat, and Melt the Fat Away, Suzanne shows loyal fans and newcomers alike that losing weight and getting fit are easier now than ever before. You'll be amazed at how the pounds just melt away when you eat hearty, rich foods like cheese, butter, meats, creamy sauces, and tempting desserts. The key is eating food in the right combinations to achieve maximum weight loss, while also lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure. Eat, Cheat, and Melt the Fat Away explains Somersizing in detail for those who have come to the plan for the first time. It also offers the latest Somersizing news, including:

* how hormone imbalances affect weight gain and how to maintain your weight throughout every phase in your life, from puberty through your childbearing years to menopause;
* how to Somersize with your children;
* how to incorporate little "cheats" into the plan so you never feel deprived, but still lose weight;
* information about the remarkable new natural sugar that allows you to eat sweets and still stay slim;
* answers to the most frequently asked questions and concerns about Somersizing;
* Somersize success stories that will inspire you to lose weight and get healthy.

And best of all, Eat, Cheat, and Melt the Fat Away also includes more than 100 new Somersize recipes that will tantalize your taste buds, including Pan-Fried Petrale Sole with Lemon, Butter, and Caper Sauce; Deep-Fried Turkey with Fried Onions and Herbs; Roasted Sweet Red Pepper Soup with Creme Fraiche and Crispy Sage Leaves; Portobello Mushrooms with Bubbling Pesto; Molten Chocolate Cakes; Raspberry Souffle; and many more... The best diet of all!
